Make sure that Christie Finley sees this. I’m sure some of this is news to her.

I have more, but here are some comments of note:

When I asked about Finley’s anointment, she said, “That was five years ago.” When we wanted to talk about Dr. Collins, she said, “Let’s not dig up old bodies.” When the SAME people who did the misdeeds five, ten, or twenty years ago are still working, then hold them accountable. Right?

(:46) AA when questioned about the Board breaking the Open Meetings laws: “There’s a workaround. Hey Chris, any idea who the ‘go-between’ is with whom they could communicate under the protection of attorney-client privilege? C’mon, you guys. She’s admitting that they don’t follow the Open Meetings laws. And we do nothing.

(1:08) AA: “Here’s the thing Jason, when I was on the campaign trail, the Committee of 100 and mayor were NOT on board with Finley.” (I had forgotten that comment, it was so long ago).

Other good stuff in there. For the record, when Andrea and I met, she told me a story about a narcissist who hurt her. I assumed she was an Empath. She is not. She is a LoE person. Notice how when I asked her about the sexual assault, she got immediately defensive? Notice also how I sensed it intuitively and said, “Are you getting defensive because you feel responsible?”

She said, “Who me?”

No, Andrea, the other person on the phone I’m talking to right now…Delay tactic. Used to give the person time to think.Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

I even told her I loved her (I still do, because she’s a human being), but she absolutely got tired of having her hand slapped so she got with the big kids. Here’s the other thing you all don’t know. After Tim Scott told me he was ‘willing to die on the Project BOOST hill, because he is a data guy’ (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL), Andrea asked him about the PM requirements. He blew up at her and said, “You’re in cahoots with Jason O’Brien,” From that moment on, it was my mission to push his buttons every chance I could TO GET BACK AT HIM FOR BULLYING YOU, Andrea.

I do not appreciate how you’ve meddled in my personal life. I am trying to forgive you, but you will have to look in the mirror, very publicly first.