Madison County Processing/Jail

Yelp Review: 1 star

You all can go look at my mug shot if you want to, I'm assuming someone will save it for me for later. If you have it, email it to me at

You would be surprised how difficult it is to get arrested when you turn yourself in. I had to wait forty minutes after he looked up my name and saw that I had the active warrants (5).

I don't ever do anything half-assed. Plus, all the shit I'm going through is proving my point, the LoE people just don't understand it yet.

No threats here, and not mentioning anyone else, per the court.

Sat on a bench with my hands cuffed behind me. That was almost an hour and half. You see, when you are in the pokey, the public servants (police and jail deputies) are providing a service to the public to keep YOU in there, away from the public. Interesting dynamic. I wonder how many of you would be willing to go to jail for something you believe in.

They have a body scanner so they don't have to inspect anyone's 'prison wallet' (ask someone if you don't know that that means). That was a plus. The slimy baloney sandwich they brought was no bueno. What do you drink in jail, you ask? Maybe an IPA? Some purple drink? Nah, we got a packet which said "Fruit Punch" on it. It was clear. I filled up my 6 oz Styrofoam cup with lukewarm water from the bathroom faucet (all stainless steel friends, no weapon making in lockup) and added the powder. It wasn't good. Honestly, I knew it was going to taste like ass, but I literally wanted the experience so I could report on it.

Arranged bond so after processing (finger prints three times and digital pics from all three sides) I wouldn't have to go into 'general population' (did that for 105 days when I was 21, not a fan). Officer said, "here's your code, phones should work in 20-30 minutes.' Mine was 2400088. I know because starting at 32 minutes, I started trying to use the code.

It didn't work.

I went and got a supervisor and I told him, "Hey..."

No, I didn't. I shut the fuck up and after an hour and 7 minutes, I walked over to the one CO that wasn't a total dickhead (you learn to figure this out immediately when you are in a position of powerlessness).

I asked him, "Is there a chance my code is incorrect? It's been over an hour and it's not working." He said, "Yeah, someone else complained. Give it a bit and try again."

Try, nope. Try, nope. Try, nope. Have I mentioned that I FUCKING HATE waiting on people? ADHD.

The phone wasn't working for anyone, apparently. Cool guard said, "Yeah, they've been down. We've called IT, but no one answered."

Before I went in, my son told me that he had his last bowling match of the 'season' (I didn't even know he was on the team, due to my...circumstances). I told him at 2:30 that I would be there by 6:00 when the match started. I was told that it usually takes between 2-4 hours to get bonded out.

I walked outside into the freezing rain (no jacket) knowing I had missed my last chance to support my son. Victims, huh?

Angelo at Betta's Bail Bonds is my boy. I promised him I wouldn't skip town on the bond. My fingers were crossed behind my back.
Just kidding, Sandy Lampley (she guaranteed my bond).

Raise your hand if you've gone to jail for this shit...Anyone? Anyone? That's what I thought.

Still here (although not in Huntsville).

What you LoE people don't realize is that the most valuable thing about this entire situation is THE STORY. The truth. The teachers, the students, their abuse, my abuse, all the trauma, intentionally caused by people to harm others.

Don't leave. Seriously. I'm going to start having conversations with you all again, because I'm finally able to be content on my own. That was the lesson.