I have $1.272.40 in my checking account and $40.00 in my savings account.

My car payment is $397.00 and it's due on January 5th.

My phone bill is $140.00 or so.

My minimum payment on my credit card is $105.00

My wife took a loan out in my name in 2019 that she hasn't been paying for five months.She also stopped paying MY credit cards in June just after I spent 10 days with her watching her mom die. She was fine an hour afterward.

No Empathy.

My wife has blocked my Mastercard, and I haven't called the bank yet.

I owe Karen and Charlie $2.500 for my lawyer. I owe RJ $1,000 because he's fucking awesome. I owe my son Quinn $500, because my wife stole two paychecks and HE was the one who stepped up to the plate.

Do you have any idea how much it hurt me to know that my son had to loan me money? I have ALWAYS taken care of my family financially.

My wife did not pay our taxes this year (I have no idea what happened to that money). The reason we owed taxes was because my wife didn't pay the mortgage for two months last year because during the summer, she chose to spend our mortgage money on swinging events. I had no idea we were that far in debt, or I would have said no (and she would have had to spend time with someone she didn't really like and who she was planning on leaving next year). I said it. Last count, she said she has about 19K in credit card debt. That’s what happens when you allow a narcissist to have total control of your finances.

We owe $130 or so on our house. On Zillow it's listed at $367,000. We could sell it this week for 320K. That won't happen because my wife doesn't make enough to afford a home big enough for the kids. When she was getting "20 responses per day" (her words TO ME) she was like a teenager who was getting attention from the cute and popular boys and forgot to pay the mortgage. Did you know she was an accountant for 25 years before she got her job teaching?

Also, and I just realized this…her dad is going to leave her a minimum of 170K and he is going to die within the next few years…Pookie wants ALL that dinero to herself, for shizzle.

I have 100K in my 403 account. Already taxed. I took 10K out last year to pay our mortgage payments (you're fucking welcome, Lorie). Because she didn't pay our taxes, I cannot access that money for a low interest loan which I would pay back to myself. Thanks for fucking me on that, honey. She will want all of it, probably.

When you register on the sls.com website, you cannot change your screen name. I guarantee Pookie paid for either a lifetime or a one year membership (because she "enjoys the sexual freedom that the lifestyle offers"). She's married to me. Sexual freedom means cheating behind my back with men who make her "feel special" because they want to have sex. Anyone who’s in the lifestyle and has an account, if you find her on there, send it to me to send to my lawyer. Cheating while being married is no bueno in Alabama.

When I outed her, Andrea Alvarez and the SRO and a Districy employee (I saw the screenshot on her phone of her message) helped her get the exclude order from the judge. Rhonda was encouraging her to ‘use that fury” and coaching her with "tell them you don't feel safe.” Other lies include “He threatened my job multiple times” Nope. Why would I do that? I would have to pay for everything? I want her to be humiliated, not broke. I also “Outed her for being a swinger” and “used revenge porn” and “shamed her in texts.” Yes, I shamed you in texts for cheating on me with a line of men, you fucking twat. Revenge porn would be me taking pics from our bedroom and putting them on the internet with your privates NOT blocked out. When you send them via your phone to other men and keep them on your phone in a hidden folder, then you need to own up, cheater.

By the way, I showed Rhonda kindness for years and she turned on me. Fuck you, Rhonda. You will have the miserable life you fucking deserve. While my wife was telling you that I'm bipolar and emotionally unstable, she was running game on me fucking multiple men. If you want, I'll send you the trophy pic she took of them in my bedroom and the texts offering to "sneak over and give you some birthday pussy." Then you can see the other pictures from the "hidden" folder of his erect penis and my favorite: The picture of me rubbing her feet, which I did thousands of times to show her I loved her, and which she never reciprocated in 24 years. Read that again. Again, fuck you Rhonda. KidVenture went bankrupt because you’re too fucking dumb to own a business.

My wife doesn't care about anything except destroying me right now, but unfortunately, she has weaknesses that I don't. Specifically, I don't care about material things. Nor do I care about what other people think. What I care about is the truth and justice.

So, I'm going to ask all of you for help.

My venmo is:

I am currently in a hotel room in St. Petersburg, FL. I am paid up until tomorrow, depending on whether or not my warrant is still active. I need 150.00 per day. That's 15 people making ten dollar donations. I will start writing tomorrow about my adventures swinging. I promise you that they will be worth ten dollars. If I can be self-sufficient, I can tell my wife to take everything (she only cares about money anyway) and I can have the peace knowing that she has no power over me thanks to the love I get from people who are capable of experiencing empathy for others.

I have a job waiting in Morocco, and I'm leaving at the end of the month. With funds, I can stop worrying about money. My last paycheck is in three weeks (I get paid $1,800 biweekly...my wife stole one month's worth of pay because I put Pookie on Facebook).

I am not asking for charity, I'm asking you to pay for my stories. If there is interest, I'll start writing immediately. And because my wife is in the stories, I will share a portion of the proceeds with her. I want my peace back. The warrant is the only thing stopping that. My wife knows that, and narcissists cannot be humiliated publicly. She will not relent and she will be the reason that everything gets burned down. You all might want to talk to her about it.